Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Have you ever thought of protecting wildlife from extinction?

Have you ever thought of protecting wildlife from extinction?Have you ever thought of protecting wildlife from extinction?
Yes. In the '70's, I was involved in the save the whales campaign. We were successful. Commercial whaling is now illegal internationally, although Japan and Russia still take some for 'scientific' purposes. But at least they are now on the increase!Have you ever thought of protecting wildlife from extinction?
Have thought about it and done something about preventing it. Have You?
yes. i would love to.
Not only thought about it, I've worked doing it - river surveys and water quality testing for endangered fish, a radiio transmitter survey to follow feeding and roosting habits of endangered bats, and searches and mapping of locations for endangered plants, among other projects.
I was a member of Greenpeace. I attended a fund raiser thing at a yacht club. As I sat amongst the man and women with leather shoes, silk fabrics or some textile that is basically plastic,drinking ice filled scotch I meandered out to the parking lot to have a cigar.

A wale may have been 'saved', but three were killed. The tables and chairs that we sat on were from clear cutting of Amazon Rain Forrest. The perfume a lady put on from the aerosol can did not smell good to me.

six billion peoples this decade, twelve billion in another tenm years,do the math.

I did, and it does not save anything.
Yes, as a wildlife biologist I manage endangered and declining species on a regular basis.
Yes. I always put horny toads back where I found them so they can eat the ants.
yes I think that this would be a great project for anyone.

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