Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Should we drill for oil in the artic national wildlife refuge in Alaska?

Why or why not? please support your opinion, i'm very interested in this subject and would like to gain some details on the dabate.

Thanks in advance!! :)Should we drill for oil in the artic national wildlife refuge in Alaska?
Yes we should. As others have pointed out the amount of land that will be used is very, very small in the big picture. While we can't become oil-independent on ANWR alone, it will help smooth out price spikes, and delay or lessen the price of oil from rising. For the tree huggers; Where did the land that your house/apartment building is built come from? Chances are a squirrel or a deer or two had to relocate due to your dwelling being built. What is being proposed in Alaska is no different....People in glass houses....Should we drill for oil in the artic national wildlife refuge in Alaska?
We have to use all the resources we can to get our dependence on foreign oil down. That means using oil shale, oil from coal, LNG, and domestic increase in production.

The argument over ANWR arises when you have people who don't understand the environment in ANWR, and only get the environmentalist's side. ANWR is in essence, a desert. There are no trees or any wildlife that migrate that far north. It sits next to the resources we already exploit in Alaska. It's an extremely small area and promises a large return on investment.

The alternative is to keep sending between $500B to $700B a year to producing countries. This is the equivalent of having a mortgage bail-out every year.

The Department of Energy was created during the Carter Administration to deal with our our need for cheap energy. It has been ineffective in doing the job it was mandated to perform. These are the same people standing in the way of progress. We need to open up our domestic drilling for relief in the short term, then tackle the increasing need for cheap energy sources.

READ THIS ARTICLE! It shows a map of the area so that you can get a better picture of the size of the area we are talking about here.

Alaskans are for drilling there because they understand well how wildlife has reacted to the existing pipeline (carribou has actually thrived). For people in the lower 48 states to think that they understand Alaska and it's unusual environment better than Alaskans themselves who live it it, is foolish.
No. It's a National Wildlife Refuge; something has gotta remain sacred ground, or they will start to want to make city parks into waste storage sites- only a little part of them though... Follow Osamas suggestion and inflate tires to the proper pressure and that would negate the oil output of ANWAR. Anyway, did you know oil coming out of the Alaska pipeline already goes to Asia? As long as its on a US flagged ship (even if the ship is owned by a foreign company) oil from there can be sold to any country. Who's to say the ANWAR oil wouldn't all go to China? Better to keep it for when we actually NEED it. Besides, there are so many drilled and capped wells in the US already we don't need to let them drill more wells for a long time. When a company drills a well they get to add that estimated volume of oil available to their ';reserves'; on a year end company statement, thus raising their stock value.
Yes, the area needed to drill in ANWR is very small.

Have the oil companies off set the area used by setting aside another wildlife refuge on say a 10 to 1 basis. For every acre they drill on, they have to set aside 10 acres at a different location. They buy the land and give it to the government to set aside.

We get the oil and mother nature gets a ten fold increase in protected lands.
Hell no! That is protected forest land. It's one of our few national treasures we have. They don't just call it a wildlife REFUGE for a reason. That means there are endangered species there. What they need to do is put pressure on General Motors to get the electric cars back on the road and invest into alternative energy. Some offshore drilling wouldn't hurt, either. Moreover, we need to reduce our dependency on foreign oil.
No. At the moment usa is already the highest consumer of the oil in the world. Secondly oil is available in the market easily since the prices has dropped considerably. Instead of drilling oil in alaska , focus should be on reforestation in brazil in the amazon rain forests and on solar and wind power. Now forget about oil.

It was made a refuge for a reason - to protect the wilflife and animals that live there.

To drill will destroy the ecosystem and thousands of animals will die.

Now I know that they SAY they can drill with the minimum disturbance to the environment - BUT the drill has to vibrate and some animals can die with too much vibrating so their statements are false.
Absolutely yes.

It is a very very small piece of land and drilling

have become very safe %26amp; clean over the past decades.

Drilling should be permitted Anywhere in the USA.

We need to develop Shale Oil, Coal, Natural Gas,

Nuclear, Wind, Solar , Algae Ethanol...
i cant see it making much difference now, even if we get the anthropogenic warming under control, the arctic is going to be the area most changed.

the tundra ecosystems are gone, man, forget them. (sorry, watched 'aliens' too many times)

If you mean in Anwar, yes. Picture Anwar the size of a football field and put a regular postage stamp on the field. The postage size is the area where some want to drill. No danger to wildlife, a small area and much needed oil for America,
unfortunately we are running out of oil resources. We will have to find a way to balance the earth which may involve destroying some national wildlife.OR, WE CAN DESTROY OTHER NATION'S WILDLIFE !!! Lets stay alive...see how it turns out !!! GOD help us all !!!

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